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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oily Water Specialist

Many of you who read my blog are connected to me on LinkedIn.  Since I have decided to move on from Ultraspin to a more Senior position in a company specialising in lean business improvement programs, I have created a LinkedIn profile for Ultraspin, so that everyone can stay in touch with oily water separator and hydrocarbon management news.

Ultrsapin has asked me to delete all references to oily water from this blog and discontinue this blog to which I am now adhereing.  Therefore there will be no further updates on this blog.  Please follow Ultraspin - the oily water specialists directly for any information on oily water.

Here is the link to the LinkedIn profile for Ultraspin:

In the meantime I would like to thank all my customers, clients and off course everyone from Ultraspin for an exciting time, especially in the mining industry, where I have encountered some of the most amazing moments in my career.

And remember:

Just 1 litre of oil can contaminate 1 million litres of fresh water, a year's supply for 25 people.

The road from Kalgoorlie to Sunrise Dam (near Laverton) WA, Australia, after some heavy rains (2011)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Just a few words to wrap up 2011, and maybe make you think a little what this time of the year really represents.

It seems that the traditional values of Christmas have too often been forgotten nowadays, and what counts to everyone is just how much is under the tree.

Consider this:

No matter what religion, what background or what country you are from, the bottom line is that Christmas should represent a period of reflection on our own lives, spending time with family & friends, and saying thank you to those who influenced and enable our current life-style.

Say thank you to your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on for what they did to make you have everything you do (which is probably more than enough). 

No matter what we want, we already have way more than many people around us or before us.  We bear fruit of the sacrifices that were made for us a long time ago, being of someone who fought in wars to preserve our freedom, whether it was a choice of relocation to another part of the world, or whether it was just all the hard work to ensure the next generation has a better life.

Spend time with your children, this can be more valuable than any present you can give to them.  Take them to a local park, beach, zoo, or even just spend time with them playing games.  Make them understand that it’s not all about the presents, but get them to cherish time with family & friends.

Well, with this short message I would like to say thank you to everyone who’s path crossed with me this year, and I look forward to a great 2012.

Enjoy the festive season, Merry Chstimas & A Happy New Year!

This is Roland Weber signing out for 2011.